




First grade is an exciting time for math learners...

 The following is a list of topics we will explore this year and suggestions of recommended resources and activities you can do at home with your child to support their in class learning!




1. Numbers and Patterns

Students will learn to read and write numbers through 20. They will also work with place value, symbols for comparing numbers, and pictographs to explore numbers through 100.

Home Activity: Have your child count toys on a shelf or items in a grocery bag (up to 20). Practice comparing numbers (greater than, less than) such as two numbers on a calendar or two soccer team scores.

Literature: Read counting stories with your child.
One, Two, Three Count With Me - Catherine & Laurence Anholt
Ten Black Dots - Donald Crews

2. Understanding Addition

Students learn two meanings of addition: joining two groups and adding on to a group. We will explore the algerbract concept of inverse relationships between equations.

Home Activity: Help your child learn and memorize basic facts through experiences that involve joining two groups or adding on to a given quantity. For example, add two separate groups of toys or add toys to an existing group of toys.

Literature: Read stories about addition with your child.
One Gorilla - Atsuko Morozumi
So Many Cats! - Beatrice Schenk De Regniers

3. Understanding Subtraction

While studying basic subtraction facts, students learn two processes of subtraction: taking away and comparing groups.

Home Activity: Help your child learn and memorize basic subtraction facts by involving them in everyday experiences using subtraction. For example, ask your child how many toys are left when some of the toys have been removed from a group or ask your child how many more books are in one pile than in another pile.

Literature: Read stories about subtraction with your child.
Counting Kids - Annie Kubler
Ten Tiny Monsters - Shelia White Samton

4. Introducing Basic Fact Strategies

Students learn several addition and subtraction strategies including using picture cues and counting on.

Home Activity: Cut out pictures of animals from magazines with your child. Then have your child glue different numbers of animal pictures on several sheets of paper. Work together to think of and write addition and subtraction stories for each sheet of pictures.

Literature: Read math-related stories with your child.
Freight Train - Donald Crews
Red Fox and His Canoe - Nathaniel Benchly

5. Geometry and Fractions

Students learn to identify and compare solid and plane shapes. They also learn to identify fractions (halves, thirds, and fourths).

Home Activity: Help your child learn two- and three-dimensional shapes by observing objects around the house. Look at packages to compare cylinders, cubes, rectangular prisms, and cones.

Literature: Read stories and do activities with your child relating to geometry and fractions.
Exploring Shapes - Andrew King
Fraction Action - Loreen Leedy

6. Patterns and Numbers to 100

Students count, read, write, compare, and order numbers to 100. They also work with repeating patterns.

Home Activity: Make collections of household items such as buttons, bread tags, twist ties, or rubber bands. Together make groups of tens and ones to find how many of each collection you have. What happens when you add one more item? ten more items?

Literature: The following books review counting numbers to 100.
Anno's Counting Book - Mitsumasa Anno
One Watermelon Seed - Celia Barker Lottridge

7. Relating Addition and Subtraction

Students expand their knowledge of basic facts to 16 and build on their understanding of the relationships between addition and subtraction.

Home Activity: Help your child memorize basic facts up to 16 by practicing them each day with flash cards or a deck of cards. When using flash cards, turn over two cards and ask your child to add or subtract the numbers on the cards.

Literature: Read stories and do activities with your child relating to addition and subtraction.
Mr. Grumpy's Outing - John Burningham
12 Ways to Get to 11 - Eve Merriam

8. Addition and Subtraction to 20

Students practice addition and subtraction facts to 20, add three numbers, and build on their understanding of the relationships between addition and subtraction.

Home Activity: Help your child memorize basic facts up to 20 by practicing them each day with flash cards. Encourage your child to use basic facts when solving everyday problems such as, "There are 15 oranges in the bag. We ate 6 of them. How many are left?

Literature: Read stories and do activities with your child relating to addition and subtraction.
Caps For Sale - Esphyr Slobodikina
Eat Up, Gemma - Sarah Hayes

9. Money

Students learn the value of individual coins and groups of mixed coins are used to solve problems.

Home Activity: If your child has a coin bank at home, empty the contents and count the coins together. Encourage your child to group like coins together and begin counting with the coins of greatest value.

Literature: Read stories about money with your child.
Yard Sale - James Stevenson
Dollars and Cents for Harriet - Betsy and Giulio Maestro

10. Time and Probability

Students learn to tell time to the hour and half hour and use a calendar. They also explore the concept of probability.

Home Activity: Help your child learn about the concept of time by making a schedule of your child's day and posting it on the refrigerator. Call your child's attention to the schedule and help him/her relate the time of scheduled activities to time on the clock.

Literature: Read stories about time with your child.
Tick-tock - James Dunbar
What's the Time? Benjamin Learns to Tell Time - Anne Leblanc

11. Measurement

Students compare the length, weight, and capacity of objects and measure with nonstandard units. They also become familiar with measurement terms and concepts.

Home Activity: Provide several empty containers and have your child estimate how many 8-oz cups of water each container will hold. Then use a measuring cup to see how much water is needed to fill each container. Compare the containers with the actual amounts.

Literature: Read stories about measurement with your child.
The Carrot Seed - Ruth Krauss
How Big Is a Foot? - Rolf Myller

12. Two-Digit Addition & Subtraction

Students learn to add and subtract two-digit numbers with regrouping. They also are introduced to rounding numbers and estimating to check answers.

Home Activity: Help your child practice adding and subtracting two-digit numbers without regrouping. For example, adding costs of two items such as 22 cents and 35 cents.

Literature: Read stories and do activities with your child relating to addition and subtraction.
Hold Tight, Bear! - Ron Maris
Sea Sums - Joy N. Hulme






In Number Sense our students will:

  • Understand and use numbers up to 100
  • Identify and know the value of coins
  • Commit to memory addition and subtraction facts to 20
  • Solve addition and subtraction problems with one- and two-digit numbers
  • Find the sum of three one-digit numbers
  • Use estimation when comparing larger or smaller numbers

In Algebra and Functions our students will:

  • Write and solve addition and subtraction number sentences
  • Understand the meaning of symbols +, -, =

In Measurement and Geometry our students will:

  • Tell and model time to nearest half hour
  • Measure objects using standard and nonstandard units
  • Identify, describe, and compare triangles, rectangles, squares, and circles
  • Identify three dimensional geometric shapes
  • Classify plane objects by their common attributes
  • Describe objects in space by location

In Statistics, Data Analysis, and Probability our students will:

  • Categorize objects and data by common attributes
  • Represent and compare data by using a variety of graphs
  • Describe and extend patterns and pattern growth

In Mathematical Reasoning our students will:

  • Use words, pictures, or manipulatives to model problems
  • Determine the appropriate functions needed to solve a problem
  • Justify the solution
  • Note the connections between one problem and another